Have you ever seen the TV show or played the board game called Family Feud? Well, Friendly Feud is a DIY version that’s just as fun to play. Here’s the process for each round: Divide the group into 2 teams Come up with a question on a particular topic Poll one of the teams to find the top 5 answers to it (making sure the other team doesn’t see/hear) Assign points to each option, with the most points going to the “best” answer and the least points going to the “worst” Ask the opposite team to come up with 5 answers to that same question – with a time limit See if they choose any of the same answers and then add up the number of points they earned Repeat the process, asking numerous questions to both teams and keeping track of their points For instance, let’s say the question is, “what’s something that flies?” After polling Team A, you get 5 answers: Airplane, bird, bee, drone, and helicopter, which you say are worth 5 points, 4 points, 3 points, 2 points, and 1 point, respectively. You then ask Team B for 5 answers to the same question. They say, “airplane, paraglider, hot air balloon, spacecraft, and birds.” Because they got two of the five options set out by Team A, they’d receive 9 points.
Sitting in a circle, players take turns whispering a question into the ear of the person on their right – the answer to which is someone else playing the game. Whoever’s asked the question then points at whoever they believe is the answer. For example, you might ask, “who is the best-looking person in the group?” to Alice, who might point at James across the room. But poor James doesn’t know what the question was! Hence the name, Paranoia. The only way for James to find out is to accept a dare/forfeit. If he’s unwilling to do so, then it becomes Alice’s turn to whisper a question to whoever’s next to her. A word of caution: Paranoia’s a fun and unique question game, but it isn’t without tension! We recommend you only play if everyone on the team is close friends.
Ideal for small groups, this simple game involves taking Jenga blocks, writing a question on each one, and then setting up the Jenga tower as usual. You then take turns pulling out a block and answering whatever question’s on it. The questions themselves can be totally random, work-related, or tailored to your interests. For larger teams, consider splitting up into smaller groups first and assigning a Jenga tower to each one.
One Must Go is a fun question game that’d be a fantastic warm-up activity before team meetings or on your next work retreat. We love it for its ability to stimulate light-hearted conversations and help co-workers get to know each other. How it works is simple: someone comes up with three to four options in a particular category and then asks the group to decide one option to get rid of. For example, “One must go: your favorite drink, your favorite item of clothing, your favorite song, your favorite food?” Or, “One must go: mustard, mayo, ketchup, bbq sauce?”
Here’s a brilliant question game for a) testing how well you know your teammates and b) helping everyone learn more about each other. To play, one person acts as the subject while everyone else is a guesser. You then choose questions (that someone has compiled in advance or found on the internet) that both the subject and guessers must answer about the subject. Potential questions include: “Where did I grow up?” “What’s my favorite food?” “What are my current hobbies?” “Who is my celebrity crush?” “What historical figure do I look up to?” For example, if Dave from HR was the subject, he’d answer questions about himself; the other players would attempt to answer the questions about him. After writing down their answers, everyone would then compare what they put! You then swap roles so that everyone has a chance to be the subject.
Want to inject some energy into proceedings and trigger some silly, serious, and generally scintillating discussions at the same time? Play What If. A super straightforward question game, you simply take turns asking “what if” questions for your teammates to answer.You may find that the best discussions come from questions people make up on the fly. Nevertheless, here are some great “What If” questions to get things started:What if you could travel back in time?What if the power went out for a month?What it there was no internet anywhere in the world?What if your high-school crush contacted you out of the blue?What if you stopped drinking coffee for a week?What if a famous director asked you to star in their next movie?What if you had 24 hours left to live?
Looking for a quick and funny way to start a meeting? Try Kiss Marry Kill. A perennial crowd-pleaser, this question game involves choosing which of three people you’d rather kiss, marry, or – you guessed it – kill. They can be fictional (e.g. characters from well-known movies) or real (e.g. singers, sports stars, or people in the office) and you take turns presenting three names for the other players to choose from. Expect light-hearted debate to rage as each participant justifies who they’re kissing, marrying, or killing! If you want to make this game slightly more PC, then consider the alternative: “Kiss, Marry, Avoid.” The process is the same, just with slightly less offensive language.
“Who’s Most Likely To” is a simple question game where players identify someone in the group who best fits a certain description. For example: Who’s most likely to sing karaoke at the next Christmas party? Who’s most likely to play practical jokes in the office? Who’s most likely to make you laugh so hard that you cry? Who’s most likely to have a witty comeback? Who’s most likely to be awarded employee of the month 6 times in a row? You need two or more people to play, as well as a large set of pre-written cards with these questions written on them. Feel free to make these cards yourself or purchase an actual “Who’s Most Likely to” card game in advance. From there, you sit together in a circle and take turns drawing cards/answering questions. Aside from being surprisingly fun, we like this game because you can use it to give indirect praise and compliments. For example, the question might be: “Who is most likely to cheer up the room?” Whoever gets picked is sure to feel happy about it!
Questions games don’t get much better than good old-fashioned trivia! A classic way to test people’s knowledge on a range of topics, you can ask questions on everything from science and current events to religion, sports, and history. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from playing a “personal trivia” game too. Take this tack, and you’d ask questions to test the team’s knowledge about each other instead! For example, who did what at the last Christmas party? Which team member was born overseas? And who has a middle name that starts with “K”? You get the idea! Whatever type of trivia game you choose, the idea is to play in teams and compete against each other to see who can answer the most questions correctly. Award prizes to the winner to incentivize participation.
Icebreaker questions are go-to tools for starting meetings/events on a positive note, grabbing people’s attention, sparking conversation, and helping group members learn more about each other.
Ready for a question game with communication at its core? Quick, fun, and energizing, Question Game ticks all the right boxes. Here’s how it works:Working in pairs, players must bounce rapid-fire questions back and forth for as long as possible. If someone hesitates for too long, says something nonsensical, or makes a statement instead of asking a question, they lose!
Want to discover new things about your workmates or challenge them to do silly stuff? Truth or Dare is a classic question game where you take turns choosing between a “truth” and a “dare.” If you pick the former, you have to answer a personal question from one of your colleagues – no matter how embarrassing it might be! Opt for the latter, and you have to do something embarrassing, awkward, or otherwise unenjoyable. As you can imagine, the truths and dares you’d do with close friends are likely to differ from what’s appropriate in the workplace! We suggest you keep the game “PG” when you’re with workmates – avoiding questions or dares that might make people too uncomfortable.
Quick, simple, and surprisingly engaging, Fact or Fiction is a first-rate icebreaker game that challenges players to distinguish between true or false statements.
21 Questions is the perfect game for passing the time, learning more about each other, and exercising critical thinking skills. Here’s how it works:One person in the group thinks of an individual (e.g. a celebrity), a place, an animal, or an object. Then everyone else takes turns asking “yes/no” questions to work out what it is! The aim of the game is to work together to find the answer as quickly as possible. If they don’t succeed within 21 questions, they lose.
Where Do You Stand? Is a simple energizing game that’s perfect for large groups and easy to set up. All you need is an open space and a handful of ‘this or that’ questions.